§ 211-3. Permit requirements and exemptions.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    It shall be unlawful for any person 18 years of age or older to engage in peddling or soliciting activities within the Borough without first obtaining a permit issued by the Code Enforcement Office.
    It shall be unlawful for any person to suffer or permit a person less than 18 years of age to engage in peddling or soliciting activities within the Borough without first obtaining a permit issued by the Borough Code Enforcement Department.
    This chapter shall not apply to the sales of property to dealers or wholesalers in the ordinary course of such business, or to drug retail salespersons calling on physicians, pharmacists, veterinarians or hospitals, nor shall this chapter apply to peddling and soliciting conducted by an existing business or enterprise when such activities are consistent with and in the ordinary course of the primary activities of the business or enterprise and only when such activities are conducted immediately adjacent to the primary business location.
    This chapter shall not apply to persons soliciting signatures upon political petitions when conducted pursuant to Pennsylvania Election Law, except that such solicitors must comply with any signs at a residence that indicate that such political solicitations are prohibited.
    This chapter shall not apply to persons engaged in religious proselytizing, anonymous political speech or the distribution of handbills, except that such persons must comply with any signs at a residence that indicate that solicitations are prohibited.
    This chapter shall not apply to persons soliciting information when such information is pursuant to a legislative mandate such as the census, dog enumerations, and the like.
    This chapter shall not be construed as to require a permit for a charitable or nonprofit organization when soliciting for fund-raising activities (i.e., car washes, cookie sales) in public places.
    This chapter shall not be construed as to require a permit for farmers or gardeners selling their own produce.
    This chapter shall not apply to persons selling goods, wares and merchandise if the proceeds of the sale are to be applied to any charitable or philanthropic purpose.
    This chapter shall not apply to manufacturers or producers in the sale of bread and bakery products, meat and meat products, or milk and milk products, provided that milk and milk products shall not include or apply to ice cream or other frozen desserts.
    This chapter shall not apply to any insurance company or its agents, or insurance broker, authorized to transact business under the laws of the commonwealth.
    This chapter shall not be construed as to require a permit for casual crafters or artists who, themselves or through family members, vend, sell or dispose of products made by them provided that such products are not produced by mass production (use of machinery or through the work of multiple persons).
    Any persons, organizations or corporations that have received approval from Borough Council to conduct a special event within the Borough shall be responsible for the vendors participating within the boundaries of that event. Registered vendors will receive permission to operate their stands for that special event only. No other vendors will be permitted within the boundary area of such event during the time period designated for the special event. Existing businesses in the Borough will be permitted to sell merchandise in the area adjacent to the business, provided that such business complies with and conducts such sale in accordance with the vendors' responsibilities and guidelines applicable to such special event.
    A special application may be made by a school, group or organization, regularly engaged in fund-raising activities throughout the year for charitable, nonprofit, sports or educational purposes for an annual permit. Such permit will be without fee.